9 Networking Tips for Anyone–including introverts If you’re like many business professionals these days, you have lots of business socials and networking opportunities on your schedule. However, during the pandemic, your networking skills maybe got a bit rusty. If you’re feeling uncomfortable and lacking confidence when attending these events again, I have your back! ✅Below are my 9 networking tips for… Read More
Business Meet and Greet: how to make small talk again The Business Meet and Greet is Back…In-Person! Finally, after over 18 months of lockdown and remote events. But. from what I’m hearing, people are struggling with how to make small talk again. I recently ventured out for two such in-person business meet and greet events. It felt wonderful! It was good to interact with… Read More
How to Leave a Conversation Graciously How do you leave a conversation graciously? The scenario: You’re at a business meet & greet event and feel stuck with a new person you met who is quite the talker. It happens to all of us. But, knowing how to leave a conversation graciously and courteously puts you in the driver’s seat. First, at… Read More