David sitting in chair reading etiquette book

As we go about our busy lives, often little everyday courtesies tend to go by the wayside.  However, recently, I’ve had time to do a bit more people watching when out and about or traveling. Below are courtesies and manners that I’ve observed to be lacking a bit. These all seem like common courtesies… Read More

airplane etiquette rules

I was honored to be a resource for this Reader’s Digest story, “14 Etiquette Rules to Know Before Your Next Flight.” Here’s the thing. Airlines don’t give us specific etiquette rules to know what they expect as we cram bodies and luggage into tight quarters. If we knew the “rules of engagement” perhaps there would… Read More

When it comes to business dining, you want to give an impeccable impression at the table, whether you’re the host or attending as someone’s guest. For example, everyone already knows that good table manners include to keep elbows off the table and not to talk with food in your mouth. However, might there be some… Read More

great handshake in business

First impressions matter, including when you step in the door for that important job interview.  Clients have shared with me how shocked they are when job candidates arrive and exhibit poor etiquette. So, here are some job interview etiquette tips that will make you stand out in a positive way. Whether your interview is for… Read More

Workplace Etiquette Tips

Ten years ago, one of my most requested seminars was Workplace Etiquette and Office Professionalism. Then, only a few calls trickled in for that session until recently again. Just this month, I’ve had two requests for this session. Why is that? First, clearly, we live in a world of upheaval, incivility and disrespect. Secondly, I… Read More

airplane etiquette and courtesies

After 3 years of NOT flying, I’ve done 3 domestic roundtrip flights in the past 5 months. I was curious what I would encounter among my fellow passengers in the way of airplane etiquette and courtesies. Although it’s not uncommon to hear in the news of an occasional unruly passenger, I was actually surprised—in a… Read More

9 networking tips for anyone, including introverts

If you’re like many business professionals these days, you have lots of business socials and networking opportunities on your schedule. However, during the pandemic, your networking skills maybe got a bit rusty. If you’re feeling uncomfortable and lacking confidence when attending these events again, I have your back! ✅Below are my 9 networking tips for… Read More

6 musts for a thank-you note

You know those holiday gifts you received? Well, quick…dig through your stationery drawer and grab some thank you notes. It’s not too late. Here are 6 musts for a perfect thank-you note. It will make your recipients’ day and put a smile on their face to find your handwritten note in their mailbox. To begin… Read More

1:1 coaching benefit you

As a business etiquette consultant, I often get calls about 1:1 coaching. And these callers usually ask the question, “How will 1:1 coaching benefit me?” Every working professional is unique in their skills, talents, abilities, and even emotional intelligence. Often these professionals find themselves at a place of wanting to move ahead in their careers… Read More

dining etiquette

Why rock your dining etiquette? Because people need a brush-up course on table manners post-Pandemic. Business lunches and dinners came to a standstill during the Pandemic. Nor, of course, did people gather at restaurants for social meals. But now, post-pandemic, my etiquette business has skyrocketed! Most bookings are for my popular dining etiquette training called… Read More