Workplace Etiquette Tips

Ten years ago, one of my most requested seminars was Workplace Etiquette and Office Professionalism. Then, only a few calls trickled in for that session until recently again. Just this month, I’ve had two requests for this session. Why is that? First, clearly, we live in a world of upheaval, incivility and disrespect. Secondly, I… Read More

how to move forward wear cute shoes

Wear the Cute Shoes Today I wore my cute shoes. The leopard-print flats from a dusty shoebox that’s been on my closet shelf for over 10 months. Was I wearing them to go to work? Or to coffee with a colleague? No, I work from home and had no special event to attend. I was… Read More

business etiquette virtual presentations

My live business etiquette events are now business etiquette virtual presentations. Why? Well, that’s likely no secret to anyone. In this unprecedented time, Covid-19 still lingers. And, the corporate world is not bringing in professional development speakers and trainers to do live events. But, business etiquette and protocol skills are still needed, more than ever,… Read More

Business Etiquette, Etiquette Classes, Office Professionalism, Dining Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette, Personal Coaching, Workplace Etiquette, International Business Etiquette, Etiquette and Protocol, Business Etiquette Consultant

Thank you notes are not dead. Sure, we write them (or should write them!) to show our appreciation for wedding, graduation and birthday gifts. But, at work? Yes, coworkers like to be appreciated as well. In my popular Workplace Etiquette – Office Professionalism workshop, I share courtesy tips on how to be a “Difference Maker”… Read More