timeless etiquette skills

Etiquette skills are timeless, whether in business or social settings. No doubt you’ve heard these three words refresh, re-set and renew multiple times since the New Year began. So, let me share some ways you can apply those 3 words to your social and business etiquette skills. Why? Because a little self-assessment is always a… Read More

how to write a thank you note

I’ve had two requests recently on how to write a thank-you note. Mind you, these requests are from professional adults! So, it seems this is a great time to review some quick tips on how to write the perfect little thank-you note. The holidays have come and gone. And likely you received a few gifts… Read More

summer travel avoid covid-19 disagreements

Summer travel is upon us! Vacationers are headed out in earnest to finally enjoy post-pandemic travel. But confusing Covid-19 rules and requirements still linger at destinations around the country. And, there will certainly be flashpoints among those who agree or disagree with certain requirements. Try to avoid Covid-19 disagreements and arguments about masks, vaccinations, and… Read More

Hot Tea Etiquette

Hot Tea Etiquette – 8 Tips to Appear Socially Refined While January is recognized as National Hot Tea Month, hot tea etiquette is important in business and social settings all year long. We’ve come a long way from the straight-laced Victorian tea times when afternoon tea was first established (and even the post-Edwardian period…think Downton… Read More

Business Etiquette, Etiquette Classes, Office Professionalism, Dining Etiquette, Telephone Etiquette, Personal Coaching, Workplace Etiquette, International Business Etiquette, Etiquette and Protocol, Business Etiquette Consultant

Technology gadgets, specifically our mobile phones, save us time, allow for quick communication and offer opportunity for brevity. However, they’re like the frog in the kettle analogy…we don’t realize that more and more we are being pulled into the non-humanness of the screen and becoming less aware of how it impacts our everyday manners, social… Read More

How does one correctly address the newly elected President of the United States?  In the media, he’s being correctly referred to as President Donald Trump or President Trump. However, did you know that the President’s name is never used in his presence? And, on a related note, how does one refer to a former President?… Read More


Etiquette Thank-you notes are an important and timeless aspect of business and social etiquette. They’re a gesture of your gratitude and respect. They should be sent to anyone who gives you a gift, hosts a party, has entertained you for dinner or overnight,  or went the extra mile for you (I.e., your cat sitter also… Read More

Cut Wedding Guest Expenses

Attending a wedding this spring or summer? Wedding etiquette is not just for the bride and groom. Often wedding guests are not aware of the dos and don’ts of being a stellar guest. There’s the obvious: turn off your phone and don’t drink too much, but there are other ways to be a polite guest,… Read More